How A Digital Marketing Firm Gets Your Event Noticed

Whether it’s for business or pleasure, bars and restaurants are generally a good place to meet others. There are so many options for food and drink, that one has to really dig into their mood to find which one fits. As a restaurant manager, this can be a challenge because one establishment cannot be what the majority wants at the same time. This leaves empty seats on a Tuesday when people want tacos, or during lent when there is no fish featured on the menu. But what if the business decides to indeed have a seasonal fish fry to fill up those empty seats?

Managing a crew is already a time-consuming task. This can be the first of the many challenges that restaurant/bar managers or owners can face without an experienced marketing team. Here is a run-down of what it looks like to not have a marketing team for a small business, and the flip-side of that.

Promoting The Event

The restaurant will figure out inventory with the kitchen, and a day to start offering the fish fry with the person who handles scheduling. Then they will have to make a flyer and try to get the word out to as many people as possible. The manager will go use the computer to copy and paste pictures of some fish from somewhere and add in big bold letters the details to the upcoming event. Then there will be talks to post it on the website, and then social media. One week later, and the manager still has not had a chance to sit and execute these tasks because there were several busy nights that required extra attention that was not anticipated.

At this time, the fish fry is even closer than before, so the manager asks someone else to do the task, which eventually gets done and the flyer is posted on the walls of the restaurant and the pages of the web. When driving to work on the first Friday of fish fry, the manager sees other restaurants with full parking lots and large banners. This feels exciting because it means there is a line of customers waiting at his restaurant as well. Once he gets there, he finds a parking spot too easily, and a few servers waiting around with tables unfilled.

Small Business Error

Although the intention and effort were there, the reality is that the message didn’t reach the target market. The people who saw the printed flyer had awareness, and they might have told some friends. Posting it on the website means it only reached the people who intentionally visited their site. If someone was specifically searching for a fish fry in the vicinity, they would have probably not found out his business just by searching for it, unless they are already widely known in the area.

Trying to do this while running a small business makes it more challenging to have an effective promotional campaign. Some small businesses, like restaurants or butcher shops, hire a specific person to regularly post on social media and update the website, but it does not mean they’re adequately trained to produce leads and results.

Marketing Team Power Hour

An average small business whose focus is not promotion will struggle with proper execution due to lack of knowledge.

Having a marketing team means that the fish fry will be taken on from the inception of the idea and go as follows:

  • The flyer will be done in a professional graphic design software that will represent the business’ brand well.
  • It can be properly printed to catch the current customers’ attention.
  • It will also be strategically placed on social media outlets, with enough time in advance to bring full awareness to the target market.
  • With the knowledge of AdWords, the fish fry will appear in the search results when lent participants are searching for options!
  • The team will have the website design complete in advance with all the bells and whistles.

Having a marketing team whose sole focus is to bring leads to your business and maintain your brand’s virtual image is a worthy investment and more affordable than many business owners may think. In the not-very-long-run, it will be easy to see how the return on investment appeared in a form of higher leads and potential revenue. Blue Ridge Media Company promotes restaurants, landscapers, gyms, and industrial warehouses, among many. Find out how you can get your Fish Fry noticed, too.