Creating and starting a business can be a huge undertaking. From coming up with the capital to designing a logo to building a website, there are several steps you must take to make your new venture a success. One way to ensure all your hard work and time pays off is by implementing search engine optimization practices. Search engine optimization is a marketing tool you should utilize in your small business marketing strategies to increase your reach to possible customers. 

Graphic showing different categories for search engine optimization

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the process of optimizing your website, webpages, and content to increase your organic search ranking in the “free” portion of search engine results. SEO encompasses several no-cost efforts to increase the quantity and quality of web traffic through organic search results. These efforts should be a mix of on-page and off-page SEO practices. 

On-Page SEO vs Off-Page SEO

On-page SEO and off-page SEO should be equally valued and utilized by your business. 

On-Page SEO

On-page refers to how you optimize your website from within. On-page SEO efforts consist of copywriting, content, keywords, URLs, title tags, and internal links. Creating your website with the user experience in mind also creates great on-page SEO. Some ways to improve the user experience are ensuring the site is user-accessible, installing web crawlers, and having fast page loading speed. On-page SEO practices continue to change, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with current standards. 

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to how outside actions affect your search rankings and popularity. Backlinks, appearing in lists, free influencer marketing, and guest blogging are all examples of off-page SEO. These SEO methods can help build credibility, trust, and authority to your business. Users don’t just want to know what a business thinks about itself, but how others view the business. This is why off-page SEO is essential for your small business. 

*It’s important to note that different search engines have specific guidelines and best practices they encourage you to abide by in order to increase your search result ranking.*

The Benefits of SEO

When you begin utilizing SEO, you will understand the importance and value of optimizing your website. 

It’s Free

Unlike other marketing strategies like pay-per-click ads (PPC), implementing search engine optimization into your marketing efforts will not take away from your marketing budget. Since the basis of SEO is organic optimization efforts, it does not involve any paid efforts. This cost-effective method is worth introducing to your website. 

Builds Brand Awareness

Most users don’t scroll past the first few pages of a web search. When you optimize your website, it will appear higher in search results. The businesses at the top of a search result are the ones most known and recognized by users. By utilizing search engine optimization tactics, you’ll ensure that your business is at the top of the web results and seen by users. 

Establishes Brand Credibility

Aside from building brand awareness, brand credibility increases when your business appears high in search results. Consumers associate businesses at the top of search results as the top players in their industry. It indicates to users that your business is both popular and successful. 

Increases Traffic

As previously stated, if the correct SEO methods are used, your website will appear higher in the organic search results. The top five organic search results account for the majority of user clicks. Consumers find that businesses that appear at the top of search results are more trustworthy and credible, which leads them to click on those sites. Utilizing SEO tactics will help your company be seen and will encourage users to visit your site and revisit it in the future.

Higher Conversion Rates

Brand awareness, brand credibility, and increased traffic all lead to higher conversion rates. Users create the most familiarity and trust in businesses that are at the top of organic search results. After potential customers build trust and recognition in your business, products, and services, they will not only visit your site but purchase from it as well. 

Want To Implement SEO Into Your Small Business Marketing Plan?

Wondering how to improve or how to apply search engine optimization strategies into your small business marketing plan? Blue Ridge Media Company in Lakewood, OH is here to answer all of your SEO questions. Our digital marketing professionals are here to help you implement our SEO services to your website! Give us a call at (888)-970-4079 or visit our website to get started on your search engine optimization campaign!