Advertising online is the quickest way to get your business out in front of your customers. Whether it’s on one platform or several, targeting your audience and converting those into active customers is the goal. When faced with the choice between Google’s two programs, Google AdWords and Google Smart Campaigns, it comes down to what you’re looking for in your business. If you’re looking for details on Google AdWords for Cleveland businesses, we’ve got something for you.


Google AdWords for Cleveland businesses are easy to control. This is the biggest factor for both programs. AdWords allows control over everything. You get to make decisions on how focused you want to make your campaign, how many keywords you’re bidding on, and how you want your analytics and data reports customized. You’re able to get as specific as you would like when it comes to narrowing down a type of customer or even accomplishing a specific goal. Whether you want a higher conversion rate or more website traffic, AdWords can make that happen.

Smart Campaigns has far less control and basically runs fully automated campaigns. It doesn’t allow you to pick your keywords and it only offers one ad format choice, which has the same effect as hanging up a sign or billboard. The ads will cover a wide, broad audience, but they aren’t very focused. Smart Campaigns also only have access to surface level data. They can’t be as in depth as AdWords because they aren’t run hands-on by you.


Both campaign programs require some cost, but with Google AdWords for Cleveland businesses, you can control how much you want to spend on the specific metrics you set up. There’s a way to limit spending. With Smart Campaigns, it’s out of your control how much you spend, since the data that is being gathered is up to the system, not you. Especially when it comes to bidding on keywords, Google will do whatever is necessary to get the keywords that are selected, which can end up digging into your pockets unchecked.

TimeCleveland Sign and Skyline from Harbor Walkway

If you are looking to save time on marketing efforts, Smart Campaigns come out on top for this one. It takes roughly 15 minutes to set up a campaign through this program and the process is fully automated, which can be good for business owners who don’t have the time or experience it takes to set up an AdWords campaign. Delegating to Smart Campaigns or to an advertising company are sometimes the right move.

AdWords is definitely a time commitment from the extensive setup, to the monitoring during the process, to analyzing reports in the end. It is nothing like the automated service that Smart Campaigns offer; it’s very hands on. If you’re looking to advertise across northeast Ohio, Google AdWords for Cleveland businesses is a great place to start.

Google AdWords in Cleveland: Does My Location Affect My Choice?

Location should not be a concern for this decision as it’s not a factor that affects either service too greatly. For example, using Google AdWords for Cleveland businesses would be no different from using it in Los Angeles. Despite Smart Campaigns limitations for metrics, they do still offer “verified calls” and “map action”, which details where customers are coming from. This is the same as the service offered on AdWords. 

If you are looking to put a little more time into your ad campaigns, with a self-determined and controlled budget, for some positive returns, AdWords is for you. If you are looking for a campaign system that you don’t need to devote a lot of time to, that will get word about your business out there, Smart Campaigns is for you.

It all comes down to what specifically you need for your business!

Need Help with Google AdWords or Smart Campaigns?

Want to advertise on Google, but you don’t know where to start? Blue Ridge Media Company, located in Cleveland, OH, can help you with Google AdWords or Google Smart Campaigns. Call us at (888) 336-9403 or visit our website to learn more about our Google marketing expertise and services!